Monday, 6 August 2012

A Positive Attribute

It’s amazing that when the words “youthful exuberance” are spoken, thoughts like “wild”, “heady”, irresponsible, “purposeless” and the likes float through the minds of people. Today however, we will take a close look and try to find out from God’s perspective, how to maximize youthful exuberance.
Let us begin by defining the terms individually. According to the Cambridge dictionary, the word YOUTHFUL means to have qualities that are typical of young people. It is derived from the word ‘YOUTH’ which means the period of life when you are young OR the state of being young. EXUBERANCE on the other hand is derived from the adjective exuberant which means to be very energetic. With it come related words such as excitement, enthusiasm, and dynamism. Therefore, youthful exuberance has to do with the strength of the young. It implies the dynamic and creative nature of the young people. 1 John 2:14 tells us that the youth are strong and that clearly explains why the youthful period of life is generally characterized by activities.
Why then does this produce negative thoughts and comments? Why the negativity surrounding youthful exuberance? This is because the strength and enthusiasm of the youth have been channeled in the wrong direction. The youth make up the bulk of criminals, members of bad gangs, culprits of all forms of vandalism and immorality.
The youth are supposed to be the most productive as they constitute the labour force of any nation, but the major part of that uniqueness and creativity have gone in the wrong direction. It is amazing to find a creative mind spent in creating ideas to destroy the lives of others. You find wasted commitments in secret cults: young men who would stake their lives for an evil cause than for productive contributions. But, I have good news for you: things can change. How? You say. THINGS CAN CHANGE IF YOU DECIDE TO CHANGE.
In spite of the constant negativity, there were people who dared to be different. They broke down the walls of mediocrity and tradition and strove to make an impact in the world. Think of the likes of the Wright brothers who dared the law of gravity to produce an airplane; Martin Luther King jr. and Nelson Mandela who despite pressures, stood for their dreams of a better nation; Smith Wigglesworth who dared to believe God and take the gospel to humanity and Kathryn Kuhlman who in a time when women preachers were not accepted, carried a heart like that of a man and showed the love of God and his healing power to a hopeless world. They all used the strength of their youth for the improvement of lives, you too can!
It is important at this juncture, to let you know that your strength is from the Lord for it is God who hath made us and not we ourselves (psalm 100:3). You were created by God and all the abilities that you possess come from him.
If your strength then is from God, then it must be used for His purpose. God has endowed you with so much vigour and creativity so you can glorify him. You may not go to the ends of the earth, but a little positive contribution in that company or home can go beyond your imagination.

Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth (Ecclesiastes 12:1)
Turning to God in your youthful days is what guarantees a landmark success in all your endeavours. Seeking Him will enhance your productivity because He is the all wise God. Seeking God keeps you from seeking things which lead people to kill and destroy. God says you are strong and you have power to overcome the evil with good (1 John 2:14; Romans 12:21). Use your God- given talents to make positive contributions. Your success comes through the success of others whom you have impacted.
Spending time with God will bring about a constant renewal of strength and help to enhance your function in your society.
…they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength ; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint (Isaiah 40:31)
Think of ways to give life and produce beauty in people. Help the seemingly helpless. Spread hope and faith. Think of ideas that can solve the problems and challenges of your community. Let the likes of Martin Luther, Einstein and Wigglesworth inspire you to be all that you can be and affect your world. Leave large footprints on the sands of time and on the hearts of men so that generations to come will still share memories of your deeds.
BE A PLUS AND CHANGE THE TREND! Your world is waiting for you.

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